Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I have heard people suggest that there is no need for librarians now that everyone has easy access to the Internet. In fact, Downers Grove Public Library patrons asked a record 85,000 questions in 2008. Many of those questions started out “I have spent 2 hours searching the Internet and couldn't find…. Can you help me?” Even if it is not convenient to visit or call the library during our usual business hours, every page of our web site offers the option to Ask a Librarian -- a path to a variety of opportunities to get help or recommendations from library staff. Using email or instant messaging you can ask for help finding everything from information on a particular topic to recommendations of a good book to read. Responses to most queries will be sent or posted during regular library working hours. However for those times when you need information “right now” try Ask Away Illinois to contact a live librarian 24 hours per day. The Ask Away librarian will not always be a Downers Grove Public Library staff member, but he or she will always be a trained librarian who is experienced in helping library patrons find information. We hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to Ask a Librarian through our website, and that you will find it the place to go when you need to know.